How to be a Brother’s Keeper
Sometimes only the presence of someone reassures us things are not as bad as we think they are. Being
your brothers’ keeper is the best thing that you can do in the times of distress. There is an unknown
quote which says “Do not wait for people to be friendly, show them how”. You do not always need to be
your scholar self and school people around you [particularly the ones in need] about how they should be
dealing with their problems. Sometimes just lending them your helping hand can be pretty comforting.
Everybody today has personal challenges and concerns; you cannot run away from them; it’s just how
life is. However, imagine how great it would be if someone is there for us when we need them? A
brothers keeper, is a guardian of good and a person who assumes responsibility for another’s concerns
and help them in their times of need. You can make a big difference in someone’s life today just by being
there for them.
Here are some ways to show someone their importance in your life.
1) Prioritizing
The best you can do for someone today is prioritize them. Even in intimate relationships, the
most common issue that most psychologists come across is that they think their partners do not
really prioritize them. Let it be your objective to make someone’s day, this can create an
atmosphere of love. Make plans to see your friends without them having to ask you first.
2) Use kind words
You may have come across many Facebook posts where they say, be kind to other people you
never know what battles they are fighting. The best thing you can do for someone is just show
compassion to them. Kind words will produce good behavior. The way you are communicating,
the things that you are saying can have a huge impact on others mental health. If they are
already dealing with poor mental issues, then you should be sensitive and relate to them
carefully. When you speak words of love you are healing someone’s life.
3) Lending an ear
You do not always have to be a speaker; sometimes just try to be a listener as well. They’re many
who are hurting everywhere and only need someone to listen to them for the comfort of their
soul. All they need is someone’s understanding for their concerns that will let them know they
really matter.
4) Being Present
Your presence can mean a lot to someone going through personal issues. The studies show,
there are five primary love languages; one of them is physical touch. However, it is not what
always contributes to the assurance that someone cares. Instead, it is a hidden emotion shown
through physical touch that holds value. However, beware! Physical touch is not always
graciously welcomed, so you better be conscious about it.
5) Open communication
Okay, we get it, you cannot be open about your problems with everyone but find the
trustworthy people in your circle and try sharing with them. It does not mean you should go and
tell all your secrets and inner workings to them. But if there is something you want to say, do not
hold back unless it is offensive, then please do.
Be your brother’s keeper and tomorrow when you need a keeper there will be someone there
for you!