
We make it easy, quick, and safe to support people on the ground who understand needs in their communities better than anyone else.
They were there long before the news cameras arrived, and they’ll be there long after the cameras leave. They know how to make their communities more resilient to future disasters, and they’re already hard at work. Compassion Exchange ™ puts donations and grants directly into their hands. Because the status quo—which gives the vast majority of funding to a few large organizations—doesn’t make sense.
One of the greatest visionaries, whose dream thrives nearly 100 years after his death, is Henry John Heinz. Born on the 11th of October 1844 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, he was the eldest child of his parents Frederick and Margaretta Heinz who had emigrated from Germany in 1843.

Pastor Zhang Rongliang, a prominent Chinese house church leader, was arrested in a rented apartment at Xuzhai village the afternoon of December 1st, 2004. Zhang had already spent 12 years in prison for his Christian faith, through five separate detentions. He experienced harsh torture, including the method of severe electric shock, during his previous prison terms.

‘We should rejoice in our difficulties, because we know that: Suffering leads to perseverance, Perseverance leads to character, And character leads to hope. And this kind of hope will not let us down’
If we study the lives of the most successful people in history we will keenly observe that they allowed life’s circumstances to develop great perseverance within them. They had an undeniable strength of character and their unquenchable hope always shone through. So let us consider these three elements? Perseverance, character and hope! How do we gain these qualities in our life?
Perhaps not our ideal antidote, or even the preferred route we desire to take, but it is, nonetheless, the only fail proof way to overcome life’s challenges and enter that realm of peace and success.
‘But aren’t these difficulties and sufferings the cause of my stress?’
Our lifestyles along with the economic and social structures of this modern age, are configured in such a way that daily life always has stresses. We DO NOT have to submit to these stresses, however, if we learn how to make these structures work to our advantage. In other words, we can become the authority of our environment rather than allowing our environment to have authority over us, simply through understanding.
What understanding is required?
The understanding of God’s plan for your life.
3 John 1: 2
‘Beloved I Wish Above All That You Would Prosper And Be In Health, Even As Your Soul Prospers’

The accounts of those who have used their strength to overcome in the most adverse of conditions, always yields a poignant compassion and understanding within me. When I learn of the moving testimony of an individual or individuals, I believe it is imperative that the Empowerment Chronicle is a vehicle in which their triumph over adversity can encourage the lives of others. The story of Elizabeth Murray is one such example. Elizabeth “Liz” Murray was born on September 23rd, 1980 in the Bronx, New York, to poor, drug-addicted, HIV-infected parents.
She became homeless just after she turned 15, when her mother died of AIDS, and her father moved to a homeless shelter. Liz graduated from high school while living on the streets and overcame incredible odds to win a full scholarship to Harvard University. She is now a Harvard graduate, a New York Times Bestselling author, and founder and director of Manifest Living, a New York based company whose mission it is to empower adults to create the extraordinary in their own lives. As a professional speaker, representing the Washington Speakers Bureau, Liz uses the same gutsy strength that pulled her from the streets to transform the lives of others. A made-for-TV film about her life Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story, was released in 2003. Liz’s parents met in 1977 and her elder sister Lisa was born a year later. By the time Liz was…
Would you like to live a life completely stress free? Never to be stressed at home, at work, in relationships or with your finances!
I’m sorry – the ‘stress free’ life simply does not exist. BUT, before you sigh in deep resignation, there is a fail proof method in which you can manage the stress that life WILL throw at each of us, so we can overcome, be fulfilled, be at peace and successful in every area of our lives.
One author states that ‘Stress is God’s plan for your daily life’. He substantiates this with
Romans 5: 3-5

New York City
Dr. Vaughn was invited by Pastor Barrett to speak at a community church on Ralph Avenue in New York City some years ago. On the opening evening, the service was attended by hundreds of people. The Lord spoke a prophetic word for immediate restoration and healing for those attending. This was the first occasion Vaughn had visited this particular church and all the members were unknown to him.
Under the direction of the Holy Spirit he declared healing from very specific diseases that the Lord was revealing. Minute details of when the ailments started, the gender of the person afflicted and even the place it was located in their bodies were all revealed.
What ensued through this healing anointing was a miraculous encounter, as people received their immediate freedom. Word spread very quickly of God’s merciful visitation, and by the third week almost a thousand people were in attendance each evening.
Towards the end of the conference, Vaughn was empowering the congregation on a particularly crowded and hot evening. Mid way through the service he heard a commotion at the back of the building as four stout looking men carried a stretcher with a large woman in. The woman was groaning in agony and the men defiant in faith for her healing, brought the stretcher to the very front of the church, placing her by the altars.
The woman’s groans grew so loud, that she was the only voice being heard. Vaughn suddenly turned, stretched out his hand and commanded by the authority of the Lord for her to stand up. She immediately took Vaughn’s hand, stood up and began jumping and praising God. To the amazement and relief of the four men and family members who had brought her to the service, she began to run around the perimeter of the church building. There was a jubilant atmosphere of expectancy and certainty within the church, with hundreds praising, dancing, leaping and crying before the Lord.

How To Be A Brother's Keeper:
Sometimes only the presence of someone reassures us things are not as bad as we think they are. Being your brothers’ keeper is the best thing that you can do in the times of distress. There is an unknown quote which says “Do not wait for people to be friendly, show them how”. You do not always need to be your scholar self and school people around you [particularly the ones in need] about how they should be dealing with their problems. Sometimes just lending them your helping hand can be pretty comforting.
Everybody today has personal challenges and concerns; you cannot run away from them; it’s just how life is. However, imagine how great it would be if someone is there for us when we need them? A brothers keeper, is a guardian of good and a person who assumes responsibility for another’s concerns and help them in their times of need. You can make a big difference in someone’s life today just by being there for them.
Here are some ways to show someone their importance in your life.
The best you can do for someone today is prioritize them. Even in intimate relationships, the most common issue that most psychologists come across is that they think their partners do not really prioritize them. Let it be your objective to make someone’s day, this can create an atmosphere of love. Make plans to see your friends without them having to ask you first.
Use kind words
You may have come across many Facebook posts where they say, be kind to other people you never know what battles they are fighting. The best thing you can do for someone is just show compassion to them. Kind words will produce good behavior. The way you are communicating, the things that you are saying can have a huge impact on others mental health. If they are already dealing with poor mental issues, then you should be sensitive and relate to them carefully. When you speak words of love you are healing someone’s life.
Lending an ear
You do not always have to be a speaker; sometimes just try to be a listener as well. They’re many who are hurting everywhere and only need someone to listen to them for the comfort of their soul. All they need is someone’s understanding for their concerns that will let them know they really matter.
Being Present
Your presence can mean a lot to someone going through personal issues. The studies show, there are five primary love languages; one of them is physical touch. However, it is not what always contributes to the assurance that someone cares. Instead, it is a hidden emotion shown through physical touch that holds value. However, beware! Physical touch is not always graciously welcomed, so you better be conscious about it.
Open communication
Okay, we get it, you cannot be open about your problems with everyone but find the trustworthy people in your circle and try sharing with them. It does not mean you should go and tell all your secrets and inner workings to them. But if there is something you want to say, do not hold back unless it is offensive, then please do.
Be your brother's keeper and tomorrow when you need a keeper there will be someone there for you!

How To Be More Hopeful!
The outbreak of COVID 19 has turned our lives upside down, with nowhere to go and nothing to do and negativity all around, we are all looking for something positive to hold on to. In the current era where there is much uncertainty around, the only thing that keeps us going is our Faith in God, hope, positive expectations and charity given by compassionate people everywhere.
The virus has not only disrupted our physical health but has taken a toll on many mental health too. With so many businesses shutting down and people losing their jobs, it is our responsibility to invite those in need to our dining tables and feast together in kindness. Know one thing, to have hope is to give hope.
Losing hope and not expecting anything good to happen to you is common these days. If you are struggling with keeping your spirits high in these difficult times, know that you are not alone in this battle. Also, we may have something for you to help you regain your lost hope and be thankful for being alive this year; give thanks because you survived the test and overcame many challenges in your personal life. Here are some insightful tips to build upon.
Express your feelings
Some people are not very open about their feelings; they cannot say aloud if they are in love with someone or maybe mad about something. During a setback or loss or in the case of having happy emotions too, expressing feelings can be a healing comfort, and you can heal either by writing them down or by sharing your feelings with loved ones. When you feel more negative, do not try to judge them instead shift your attention to the focus of your future with positivity.
Look for hope in unexpected places
Expect the unexpected; there may be some places where you never imagined getting positive vibes or happiness from, but there is a chance that place or person may have something positive and good in store for you. Maybe you are only sitting in a park minding your own business but see a kid getting excited over the ice cream truck? Suddenly everything starts feeling so much better. Kids have the essence of spreading happiness around.
Hope is everywhere; you only need to look for it. It is in our playgrounds, books we read, coffee shops we go to and most importantly in your own-self. You are alive today and that could only mean there’s a lot of good thats going to happen to you.
Cultivate optimism
Optimism is what keeps us going, learn to see good in everything. No situation is terrible; it is how you deal with it that decides the result of the situation. If you see the glass half-full, then I have good news for you, you are optimistic. On the other hand, if you see it half empty, then I would suggest you focus more on your strengths, maximize your successes, and challenge selfsabotaging thought patterns by creating new ones to empower positivity.
Practice gratitude
The attitude of gratitude goes a long way. As cliché, as it may sound, practicing gratitude can make you more hopeful and thoughtful of others. It is important to be thankful and show gratitude to the supporters of your life. Also you can write regularly in your gratitude journal about everything that you are thankful for, and you are good to go.
Remember, the test of our progress is not adding more to the abundance of those who have much; instead, it is in providing enough to those who have little. So practice charity, be more hopeful and thankful have faith with positive expectations, these are some of the keys to having a content life.

World Changers
There is not a better feeling than self-satisfaction when you help someone or set an individual on the right path. Usually, people believe in being themselves and wonder if they have ever come across a soul that lives for others. This world has seen countless people, such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and Mother Teresa, who taught us to love people regardless of their racial and ethnic background.
Influencers such as Nelson Mandela, Michael B. Jordan, Muhammad Ali, Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, etc., showed us that the truth lies in believing in people and hoping that they will change one day. Every single one of them played a vital role in developing our perspectives and cognitions, shaping how we see the world. We needed these examples to be our blueprint of change, and who knows, maybe the next worst thing can be fixed by a movement or notion started within you. I believe that we are all created with unique abilities to make a real difference in our world.
Remember, humans need other humans to survive – we are social animals, and we need to love ourselves and others to live a happy life. Michael Jackson once said, “I’m starting with the man in the mirror,” and evidently, he was right. If you want to bring a change in this world, you have to start with the man in the mirror. Change yourself and pass that on to at least one individual, and who knows, you might cause a ripple effect that would last a century or more.
How can YOU change the world? Do you want to change the world?

Countries Making A Difference For The Good Of Their People!
We cannot escape what has been built around us for centuries and trust me, God never intended for us to restrict ourselves from doing what’s right for the good of others. In the land of Gods and Monsters, be angels. Whenever we see people trying to make things right with others around us, we’re seeing hope in action for mankind. Humans need humans to survive. We are one human race and should be living with a purpose in life to help others.
It is encouraging to see how some countries are working for the good of other countries and their own to make a difference in our world. One of the best examples of this would be our great nation of America. We the people of America can be categorized as the most responsive compassionate nation of the world. We are always ready to help others especially in their times of need. Many seeking to immigrate for a better life with their loved ones, believe that America is the place of hope for their future.

‘A Rainbow Initiative for the Rainbow Nation.’ Dr. Brown heard these specific instructions as he prepared with intense study and consecrated focus for the missionary tour of duty to South Africa. Whenever Vaughn is assigned to travel to a nation, he is divinely guided with a relevant and specific message for that country.
A depth of theological investigation and divine revelation disclosed a profound covenant for South Africa hidden within the Biblical meaning of the Monolexemic colors of the rainbow. What’s more remarkable is, that the covenant relates through the meanings of each color, to the name ‘Rainbow Nation’ a term created by Desmond Tuto to describe South Africa after the fall of apartheid. Nelson Mandela also proclaimed South Africa as ‘a rainbow nation at peace with itself and the world’.
The Rainbow Initiative heralded through Dr. Brown, established a spiritual foundation of divine promise and understanding, as to why the Lord inspired Desmond Tutu to declare a name of destiny for a nation of destiny. Reflecting back to Biblical times, a name held paramount importance as much to a person as it did to a geographical location. The divine covenant significance of the Rainbow Initiative for the Rainbow Nation was understood by many for the very first time.

Community Activities
Central America Initiative

The Compassion exchange ™ has been a visionary intention of Vaughn’s purpose and desire for many years..As a compassionate servant with personal focus for change he has empowered, enlightened and assisted many around the world holistically transforming their personal lives to believe, dream and succeed.
When he traveled to Central America with his large 7000 seat capacity tent and mission team, he positively impacted not only individuals but also communities and cultures among the nations and their economies.
Initiatives of humanitarian concerns were implemented especially for the young people daily, with a nightly conference for all that successfully concluded each daily activity with confident hopefulness from a life empowerment experience..
One of Vaughn’s wisdom quotes informs that, “The privilege of service is the activity of love”. Truly this is a profound enlightenment for those who are chosen for a service of purpose and those who are seeking a purpose in service.
Making the communities of the nations a better world is an opportunity of goodwill designed in a compassionate heart.